Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Abilene, TX

Mission of Sacred Heart Catholic Church
No one goes to God alone but as a member of a Christian community. Jesus' love - symbolized by our parish name Sacred Heart- calls us to membership in parish. Sacred Heart Parish seeks to provide its members with loving acceptance; it seeks to form them by Word and Sacrament in conformity with Catholic Tradition; it seeks to enable and encourage unity, growth and change in ourselves and in the wider community. This is accomplished through regular Sunday worship, religious education and guidance of all members, concern for the poor and needy, the sharing of time, talent and treasure, and the establishment of programs involving laity in ministry and leadership in the parish and in the community at large.
Thank you for visiting our website. We pray you find what you are looking for. We hope you learn more about our ministries and faith here at Sacred Heart. Please join us for Sunday mass to fall deeper in love with Jesus Christ.
Parish Staff
Pastor: Rev. Albert Ezeanya
Deacons: Dwain Hennessey, Arturo Casarez, Ron Stegenga
Bookkeeper/Secretary: Teresa Adames
Religious Education Coordinator: Stephen & Natalia Valdez
Youth Coordinator: Lydia Gonzales
Contact Us
Office Hours:
Monday/Thursday/Friday: 9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
Tuesday/Wednesday: 9-:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Closed for Lunch
Phone Number: 325-677-7951